General Information/Ordering Guide

Making SCSI Work

Paralan is dedicated to SCSI, and to making your SCSI-interfaced components work to their full potential. We're known as the company that makes SCSI work, because our interface products reliably extend the capabilities of the SCSI bus.

Exclusive Auto Sense for 5 V Termination Power

Auto Sense is a unique feature on Paralan SCSI products. The 5 V line may need to supply power to terminators on the other end of the SCSI cable. If 5 Volts is not on the line, the RegeneratoR will automatically place 5 V on the bus. If the 5 V is grounded (due to inverted cable or incorrect wiring, for example) the RegeneratoR will automatically shut off 5 V power to the bus, without blowing a fuse or affecting the operation of the RegeneratoR. Auto Sense solves many initial SCSI installation problems.

Model Numbers Description
Stand-alone Unit Board version
SC20 Single-ended SCSI to Coax Bus Extender (two required for complete system).
SC20D Differential SCSI to Coax Bus Extender (two required for complete system).
SD10 SD11 SCSI Single-ended/Differential Converter (8-bit)
SD16 SD17 SCSI Fast-Wide Single-ended/Differential Converter (16-bit)
SF40 Single-ended SCSI to Fiber Optic Bus Extender (two required for complete system).
SF40D Differential SCSI to Fiber Optic Bus Extender (two required for complete system).
SIR-D8 SIR-D9 SCSI Fast-Narrow Differential to Differential RegeneratoR (8-bit)
SIR-S8 SIR-S9 SCSI Fast-Narrow Single-ended to Single-ended RegeneratoR (8-bit)
SIR-D16 SIR-D17 SCSI Fast-Wide Differential to Differential RegeneratoR (16-bit)
SIR-S16 SIR-S17 SCSI Fast-Wide Single-ended to Single-ended RegeneratoR (16-bit)
SQxx SCSI Quiet Cable, Round shielded cable for reliable SCSI-1/2/3 operation. Specify length and connector type.
SW1 SCSI Bus Switch
2811 5 1/4" Drive Mounting Bracket & Faceplate for SD11, SD17, SIR-x9 or SIR-x17


Alabama 360-369 SouthTek 407-259-5953 407-259-1645
Alaska 995-999 Paralan 619-560-7266 619-560-8929
Arizona 850-865 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Arkansas 716-729 PPI 214-423-4899214-424-8261
Canada AB,BC,SK Syntek 206-462-7700 206-462-7170
Canada All except above Intertechnology 416-445-5500 416-445-1170
California 900-919,923-935 Access Technologies 714-777-7700 714-777-7761
California 920-922 Mesa Computer 619-278-8021 619-576-0964
California936-966 Qualtech 408-732-4800 408-733-7084
Colorado 800-816 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Connecticut 060-067 Eastern Systems 508-366-3220 508-366-1520
Connecticut 068-069 SYS Computers 516-822-4414 516-822-4428
Delaware 197-199 Lynbar Group 215-947-3554 215-947-8321
Florida 320-349 SouthTek 407-259-5953407-259-1645
Georgia 300-319 SouthTek 407-259-5953407-259-1645
Hawaii 967-968 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Idaho 835-838 Syntek 206-462-7700206-462-7170
Idaho832-834 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Illinois 600-617 Panatek 708-519-0867 708-519-0897
Illinois 618-629 Panatek 314-997-9393 708-519-0897
Indiana 460-462,465-478 MacKellar 810-335-4440 810-335-5449
Indiana 463-464,479 Panatek 708-519-0867 708-519-0897
Iowa 500-529 Jen-Ray 612-933-8545 612-933-8782
Kansas 660-679 Panatek 314-997-9393 708-519-0897
Kentucky 400-429 MacKellar 810-335-4440810-335-5449
Louisiana 700-714 PPI 214-423-4899 214-424-8261
Maine 039-049 Eastern Systems 508-366-3220508-366-1520
Maryland 206-209 Sierra Technologies 401-838-2108 401-838-2128
Massachusetts 010-027 Eastern Systems 508-366-3220508-366-1520
Michigan 480-499 MacKellar 810-335-4440810-335-5449
Minnesota 550-569 Jen-Ray 612-933-8545612-933-8782
Mississippi 386-397 SouthTek 407-259-5953407-259-1645
Missouri 630-659 Panatek 314-997-9393 708-519-0897
Montana 590-599 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Nebraska 680-693 Panatek 314-997-9393 708-519-0897
Nevada 890-891 Access 714-777-7700714-777-7761
Nevada892-899 Qualtech 408-732-4800408-733-7084
New Hampshire 033-038 Eastern Systems 508-366-3220508-366-1520
New Jersey 070-079,088,089 SYS Computers 516-822-4414516-822-4428
New Jersey 080-087 Lynbar Group 215-947-3554810-335-8321
New Mexico 870-884 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
New York 100-119,124-127 SYS Computers 516-822-4414516-822-4428
New York 120-123,128-149 Eastern Systems of NY 716-256-6524 716-256-6212
North Carolina 270-289 SouthTek 407-259-5953407-259-1645
North Dakota 580-589 Jen-Ray 612-933-8545612-933-8782
Ohio 430-459 MacKellar 810-335-4440810-335-5449
Oklahoma 730-749 PPI 214-423-4899214-424-8261
Oregon 970-979 Syntek 206-462-7700206-462-7170
Pennsylvania 150-167 MacKellar 810-335-4440810-335-8321
Pennsylvania168-196 Lynbar Group 215-947-3554810-335-8321
Rhode Island 028-029 Eastern Systems 508-366-3220508-366-1520
South Carolina 290-299 SouthTek 407-259-5953407-259-1645
South Dakota 570-577 Jen-Ray 612-933-8545612-933-8782
Tennessee 370-385 SouthTek 407-259-5953407-259-1645
Texas 750-798 PPI 214-423-4899214-424-8261
Texas799 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Utah 840-847 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929
Vermont 050-059 Eastern Systems 508-366-3220508-366-1520
Virginia 220-246 Sierra Technologies 401-838-2108 401-838-2128
Washington 980-994 Syntek 206-462-7700206-462-7170
Washington DC 200-205 Sierra Technologies 401-838-2108401-838-2128
West Virginia 247-268 Sierra Technologies 401-838-2128401-838-2128
Wisconsin 540,547-548 Jen-Ray 612-933-8545 708-933-8782
Wisconsin 530-539,541-546,549 Panatek 708-519-0867 708-519-0897
Wyoming 820-831 Paralan 619-560-7266619-560-8929


Australia Agate Technology Pty Ltd.
North Ryde NSW +61.02.878.4688 +61.02.878.4655
Canada-AB,BC,SK Syntek
Bellevue, WA 206-462-7700 206-462-7170
Canada-Other provinces Intertechnology Inc.
Don Mills, ON 416-445-5500 416-445-1170
Denmark PL DATA
Smorum +45-44-68-20-54 +45-44-68-38-38
Germany Rolf Obler Industrie Elektronik
Martinsried (Munchen) (089)895602-0 (089)895602-99
Israel Wietec Ltd
Hertzliya +972 9 583395 +972 9 583097
Japan Matsushita Inter-Techno Co Ltd.
Tokyo 81-3-5232-1711 +81-3-5232-1715
Technography Inc
Tokyo +81-3-3477-0671 +81-3-3477-7039
Netherlands Stellingwerff Beintema B.V.
Haarlem +31.023.314192 +31.023.325993
New Zealand Datastor (NZ) Ltd
Albany +64(09)415.6220 +64(09)415.6243
Taiwan SYSCOM Computer Engrg
Taipei +886.2.741.8010 +886.2.711.1516
United Kingdom ARROW Computer Systems
Epsom, Surrey +44-1372-742557 +44-1372-720719

For your convenience, our Export Manager operates on European time to answer questions:

International Business Development Specialists (IBDS) Tel:+1-619-481-5314 Fax:+1-619-481-0796 e-mail:

For further information, please contact Paralan at:

7875 Convoy Court
San Diego, CA 92111
Tel: (619) 560-7266
Fax: (619) 560-8929

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